Tên ICO | Verdict |
Ký Hiệu | VRD |
Ngày bắt đầu | Tháng Một 20, 2018 |
Ngày cuối | TBA |
Quốc gia | USA |
Nền tảng | Ethereum |
Current smart contract languages are non-efficacious at modeling highly-complex real-world organizational structures, in part due to their inability to handle principal-agent issues. A highly opinionated smart contract framework could allow developers to easily build and manage these organizational structures by implementing permission-controlled restrictable account and contract types. Further, the framework could aide in the development, security, interoperability, and maintainability of decentralized applications (dApps) created on the framework, turning imperative ‘tangled-web’ smart contracts into simple, declarative relationships that are simple and easy to understand. The blockchains implementing this framework could boost the productivity and utility of their organizations, allowing new classes of smart contract and blockchain based organizations to emerge.
Giá bán | 1 ETH = 2500 VRD | Lượng Coin Bán Ra | N/A | Phương thức thanh toán | ETH, BTC |
Đầu tư tối thiểu | N/A | Phân phối | N/A | Đã đạt được | N/A |
Soft Cap (Tổng Mức Vốn Kêu Gọi Tối Thiểu) | 3000000 USD | Hard Cap (Mức vốn Cao Nhất muốn đạt được) | 30000000 USD |